All study resources > Chapter 16: Health Problems of School-Age Children and AdolescentsHockenberry: Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 10th Edition (Nursing)

Chapter 16: Health Problems of School-Age Children and AdolescentsHockenberry: Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 10th Edition

1. Which statement is true about smoking in adolescence? a. Smoking is related to other high-risk behaviors. b. Smoking will not continue unless peer pressure continues. c. Smoking is less common when the adolescent’s parent(s) smokes. d. Smoking among adolescents is becoming more prevalent. 2. What is smokeless tobacco? a. Not addicting b. Proven to be carcinogenic c. Easy to stop usi ...[Show More]

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Document details

Subject: Nursing
Category: Questions and Answers
Number of pages: 15
Language: English
Last Update: 2 years ago

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