All study resources > isye6501-fa19-hw7 (Education)
10.1 Using the same crime data set uscrime.txt as in Questions 8.2 and 9.1, find the best
model you can using (a) a regression tree model, and (b) a random forest model. In R, you
can use the tree package or the rpart package, and the randomForest package. For each
model, describe one or two qualitative takeaways you get from analyzing the results (i.e.,
don’t just stop when you have a good
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10.1 Using the same crime data set uscrime.txt as in Questions 8.2 and 9.1, find the best
model you can using (a) a regression tree model, and (b) a random forest model. In R, you
can use the tree package or the rpart package, and the randomForest package. For each
model, describe one or two qualitative takeaways you get from analyzing the results (i.e.,
don’t just stop when you have a good model, but interpret it too).
Cross-validated tree. Runs a k-fold cross-validation expierment to find the deviance or
number of misclassifications. Passes an object tree, in our case test_tree. Running this
shows we still have 7 leaves at the end, and the deviance is provided below. Comparing
deviance between cv_tree and test_tree shows that cross validation reslts in higher
deviance results. Plotting this object shows change in deviance as the number of terminal
nodes were used.
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