Home  > Classical theorist(s) Paper- Simmel’s theory of “The Stranger,”

Classical theorist(s) Paper- Simmel’s theory of “The Stranger,”

For the Final Paper, you will have chosen one of the three possible topics you identified in your Midterm assignment, and the Final Paper will discuss both how the chosen classical theorist(s) would understand and interpret it, and the contributions/critiques/additional analysis from contemporary theorists we’ve discussed in the second half of the semester.

(You might, for example, examine the conditions of illegal immigration from the perspective of Simmel’s theory of “The Stranger,” and supplement your Simmelian analysis with a World-Systems Theory approach from Immanuel Wallerstein.*) *You can’t use this exact example for your paper *IMPORTANT(Please put in ASA FORMAT) -The midterm paper will be sent and the critique he gave for it - Book is Social Theory, Roots and branches by Peter Kivisto, The sixth edition. -Also use the midterm paper to pick the issue but don't copy what was already said.

These are the readings we did for the second half of the semester. This will help when choosing a contemporary moral theorist. Also remember you are choosing one of the minni papers that was sent and expanding on it. The rest of the directions were sent with the order. Please use ASA format, just like the paper sent in. If you have any questions please let me know.

Week 8:

3/9 Selections from Kivisto Ch. 6: Functionalism & Systems Theory) (“The Unanticipated Consequences of Social Action,” “The Structure of the Societal Community,” and “The Functions of Social Conflict)

Selections from Kivisto Ch. 8: Exchange Theory and Rational Choice Theory (“Social Behavior as Exchange” and “Human Capital and Social Capital”)

Week 9:


3/16 Kivisto Ch. 7: Symbolic Interaction, Phenomenology, & Ethnomethodology

Week 10:


3/23 Kivisto Ch. 9: Gender Theory

Week 11:


3/30 Selections from Kivisto Ch. 10: Critical Theory (“Freudian Theory and the Pattern of Fascist Propaganda” and “Three Normative Models of Democracy”)

Selections from Kivisto Ch. 12: (“War Making and State Making as Organized Crime,” “The Politicization of Life,” and “How Will Capitalism End?”)

Week 12:


4/6 Kivisto Ch. 11: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism

Week 13:


4/13 Kivisto Ch. 13: Modernity

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