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Factors that may lead to reemergence of malaria in the United States


Explain how each of the following could lead to the reemergence of malaria in the United States:

  1. Increased immigration of individuals from endemic regions to the United States.
  2. Increased travel of individuals from endemic regions to the United States.
  3. Global warming.
  4. Laws protecting wetlands.


Malaria is an acute febrile illness caused by Plasmodium parasites, which are spread to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It is preventable and curable.

  1. Increasing rates of immigration can also be a factor that can contribute to the reemergence of malaria in the USA. Immigrants coming from a region that is more susceptible to malaria, are more likely to re-introduce the disease again to the population. These individuals can be affected by the disease while immigration or can contract the disease while future visits to their homeland, which is endemic for malaria.
  2. Travelling to the malaria endemic region is one of the most important reasons for the few cases of malaria that are observed in the USA. Travelers returning from the endemic region might get infected with the disease during their visit to the affected region and can again introduce the disease to the population. Therefore, travelers from such endemic regions can contribute to the re-emergence of malaria.



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