Home  > Classification #1: The artichoke hearts + water is a mixture.

Classification #1: The artichoke hearts + water is a mixture.

Pick an everyday item in your house that comes with some type of packaging that gives a measurement on the label. You can also make your own measurement if you like!
Categorize that item as either a pure substance or a mixture.
If it is a pure substance, categorize it further as an element or a compound. If it is a mixture designate it as homogenous or heterogenous.
Now, you will carry out the first of two conversions. If you started with a metric measurement, convert it to the English system or if you started with a measurement in the English system, convert it to metric. Don't forget about significant figures!
For your second conversion, use a prefix multiplier to convert your metric measurement to a different unit within the metric system.

Item: Canned artichoke hearts in brine. There are bunch of measurements on the can, multiple masses on the front label and all of the nutritional information.
Classification #1: The artichoke hearts + water is a mixture.
Classification #2: This mixture is heterogenous.
Conversion #1: The net weight of the can's contents is 397 g. This mass is the same as 255 pennyweights (1 pennyweight (Links to an external site.)= 1.55174 g; an obsolete unit of mass based on the mass of an old version of the English penny).
Conversion #2: I will convert 397 g to Gigagrams (Gg). Giga is a prefix for 109, so that 1 Gg = 109 g. We have far less than 109 g here (the size in g is on the order of 103), so I expect a very small size number when I convert from g to Gg:

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