Home  > Crime patterns, trends, and social criminological theories- Social conflict theories or schools of thought

Crime patterns, trends, and social criminological theories- Social conflict theories or schools of thought

Explain the link between crime patterns, trends, and social criminological theories Select two social conflict theories
Explain the two chosen social conflict theories or schools of thought. Write one to two paragraphs for each theory or
school. In your explanation, include how these affect the crime-control policies and crime rates and your rationale as
to why.
2. Explain how peer groups, families, and social organizations positively or negatively affect your theory.
3. Analyze the theories as far as their applicability to explain crime. Do you think these are relevant? Why, or why not? Is
there anything missing that would make them explain crime better?
4. To what types of programs has your theory led? Provide examples of crime control, including social control, crime
prevention, laws, social policies, or even movements attempting to bring about change.

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