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Design an Intervention for Immigrant or Refugee Family

Taking the problem you identified in your first paper, design and Intervention or Immigrant or Refugee Family or Community, please research evidence-based practices with specific problem area(s) with the selected client-group and develop an intervention depending on the student’s chosen field of practice and skill set.
It will be important to integrate interventions that incorporate practices that address individual, family, community, and organizational strengths and problems.
A discussion of ethical dilemmas and decision-making must be included. Papers should be between 8-10 pages in length.
Research at least three peer-reviewed articles that point to EBP with your particular problems,

The intervention may either be from a micro or macro perspective depending upon your chosen field of practice.
Be sure to locate evidence-based research that is appropriate to your problem.
Discuss any ethical issues that may arise as well as your decision-making process in the selection of the intervention.
Discuss the process you would use in applying this intervention to your problem and population

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