Home  > Discuss social Science and Western Society Options Menu. Further, discuss the impact of photovoice method of collecting data as a method of exploring the lives of homeless people in Miami

Discuss social Science and Western Society Options Menu. Further, discuss the impact of photovoice method of collecting data as a method of exploring the lives of homeless people in Miami

Discuss  social Science and Western Society Options Menu. Further, discuss the impact of photovoice method of collecting data as a method of exploring the lives of homeless people in Miami. Photovoice method of collecting data:Western Society Options Menu Discussion 1: Social Science and Western Society Options Menu: Forum: Leimy Chao Diaz, read the chapters in the textbook that are covered in this module and watch the video below. Your answers must reflect what you learned in those chapters and supply details from the video. Now that you have been introduced to the social sciences and the methods they use to collect data in Chapter 1, watch the video Neighborhoods of Refuge that showcases the work local sociologists at FIU and MDC are doing to address the issue of homelessness. Answer the following questions in a post of at least 150 words: Why are the social sciences considered sciences? How do social scientists collect their data and draw conclusions? In the video, you were introduced to the photovoice method of collecting data about lived experiences. What impact did this method of exploring the lives of homeless people in Miami have on the participants and the public awareness of homelessness? Post Requirements: All assignments must have your name on the front sheet and also word processed. Then print on white paper. Hand in your work in a plastic pocket. Then staple your work  in the left hand, top corner. Moreover, your font should be either Ariel, Trebuchet or Times New Roman. Use font 12 and 1.5 line spacing with a left hand margin. Provide a content page with page numbers
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