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DREAM Act Discussion- Do you think there is potential for the guidelines?

Please read the summary below on the DREAM Act and respond to the discussion question.

The DREAM Act establishes multiple conditions for granting permanent residency status to alien minors. First, the minors must have excellent moral character. This is generally understood that they have not committed any crimes. Second, they must have either graduated from a US high school or obtained their GED certificate in the United States. Third, they must have first moved to the United States as a minor and lived there for at least five years prior to the DREAM Act becoming law.

If applicants fulfill these requirements, the DREAM Act would give them official temporary residency status after they either served in the military for two years or completed two years of college. The temporary residency status would last for a period of six years, during which they would be eligible to apply for permanent resident status (Links to an external site.). The legislation has a substantial amount of support and substantial amount of opposition; it is the most widely debated immigration legislation in the country.

Opponents of the DREAM Act contend that by offering a path to permanent residency for alien minors, the DREAM Act would encourage illegal immigration (Links to an external site.). They suggest that if the legislation passes, more illegal immigrants will come to the country with the expectation that they will eventually obtain permanent residency. Opponents also worry that the immigrants affected by the law will experience low socioeconomic status and poor working situations.

Supporters of the DREAM Act say that the law represents opportunity for immigrant (Links to an external site.) minors. Because those most likely to be affected by the law have usually come to the United States with their parents, proponents argue that they are not guilty of breaking any immigration laws of their own volition. Instead, most were brought into the country by their parents as children or even as infants. Additionally, the DREAM Act would impose both character and educational requirements, so the immigrants benefiting from it would be productive members of society.

DREAM Act. Flair, Isaiah; Salem Press Encyclopedia, 2019

Is the judiciary (Links to an external site.) resisting all this? Maybe just the dreamers (Links to an external site.)?

Respond to the following:

  •  Based on what you’ve learned about the DREAM Act, do you think there is potential for the guidelines and expectations presented in the policy to influence the impact of gangs in the military? What might the influence be, positive or negative? Please explain your answ

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