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Effects of climate change on polar bear

effects of climate change on polar bear. Additionally, the student should cover primary research article and write his answer according to instructions. effects of climate change on polar bear-primary research article Assessment for Feedback Final project: Part A  These pieces of media are always stating “in a recent study….”, “a study found that….”, or similar statements. Those original studies are considered primary sources of information because they are the original published research about that study. In this activity you will compare primary and secondary research and scholarly (also called peer-reviewed or refereed) and non-scholarly sources. Firstly, Step 1: Research the differences between primary and secondary sources, to answer the question below. One place you may want to start is the following website comparing primary and secondary sources – https://umb.libguides.com/PrimarySources/secondary(Opens in new window) In your own words, state the difference between primary and secondary sources. Student Answer Primary sources are the original piece of information. Step 2: Next, perform research and make notes on how to identify scholarly sources compared to non-scholarly sources. One place you may want to start you research is this website: http://guides.library.cornell.edu/c.php?g=31867&p=201758(Opens in new window) Using your notes on scholarly and non-scholarly sources, complete the following Venn diagram comparing the two types of sources. Step 3: Perform research on “Fake News” and how to identify it. From your research create a list of tips for students like yourself to help you identify and avoid Fake News. You will submit this for feedback. Step 4: Perform research to find at least two articles on the following topic: “The effects of climate change on polar bear populations”. You must find one article based on primary research and one based on secondary research. Type of source: primary or secondary? Detailed Instructions Download | Click here to request for this assignment help
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