Home  > Ethics lying and truth-your thoughts on lies and investigation We’ve talked a lot about lying

Ethics lying and truth-your thoughts on lies and investigation We’ve talked a lot about lying

Ethics lying and truth. Additionally, the student should research about your thoughts on lies and investigation and write answers according to instructions. Ethics lying and truth-your thoughts on lies and investigation We’ve talked a lot about lying. What are your thoughts on lies and investigation? Do you think, when questioned, people tell the truth more or do they fall back on their existing patterns? Let’s say someone close to Person A has disappeared, and involve foul play. When investigators question Person A, what factors will affect their answers? Fear for their loved one? Wanting to help? Bias? Fear of the investigator? Feelings toward the victim? Anything else? Using the stories you’ve read so far, along with the discussions we’ve had, how do you think someone reacts to questioning and how does that affect the success of the investigator? link the readings hes talking about  here https://poestories.com/read/manofthecrowd http://www.en.utexas.edu/amlit/amlitprivate/scans/chandlerart.html More information about the topic often confront Law enforcement officers who are in investigative roles with ethical issues during the investigative process. Officers who have a heavy caseload to determine which case to investigate at the expense of other cases. Expect officers often rely on the solvability of the case, and concentrate on that case, which means that cases that may be slightly more difficult to solve are never solved. This is a consequentialist perspective, in which the end result is seen as the most important aspect of the investigation. Some officers may do an assessment of the victim, coupled with other investigative variables that allow the officer to decide which case is ultimately more serious and more important to work on. The difficulty with this approach is that take the officer’s values into account and are weigh them against the rights of all victims. Detailed Instructions Download | Click here to request for this assignment help
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