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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Textual Analysis: Hard Times by Charles Dickens Textual Analysis

Thematic comparison. The two texts for this essay should be on Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning and Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti. Next, choose a theme that both texts are interested in. Decide what each of your two texts is arguing about that theme. (e.g., “Oroonoko” argues that marriage ________, while ‘Ulysses’ argues that marriage _______.”) Write an essay that uses detailed close reading to compare and contrast the philosophy of each text. Essay must contain extensive and detailed close reading. Avoid vague, general statements about the texts or the world. Ground every claim in close textual analysis. Close read each quotation.
Thematic comparison. Discuss the theme femininity in the two texts Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and Hard Times by Charles Dickens. Decide what each of your two texts is arguing about that theme. (e.g., “Oroonoko” argues that marriage ________, while ‘Ulysses’ argues that marriage _______.”) Write an essay that uses detailed close reading to compare and contrast the philosophy of each text. Essay must contain extensive and detailed close reading. Avoid vague, general statements about the texts or the world. Ground every claim in close textual analysis. Close read each quotation

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