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Germany’s use of unrestricted submarine warfare- Violation of the Sussex Pledge

This discussion addresses the following outcomes:

  • Critically analyze Germany’s decision to use unrestricted submarine warfare and evaluate its consequences (CO2, CO3, CO4, and CO5) 

The British blockade was legal and internationally recognized as a fair way to wage war. The German war zone was considered illegal and not in the spirit of civilized warfare. But at the end of the day, civilians on both sides died because they could not get access to sufficient food, clothing, medicine, and shelter.  

In preparation for this discussion, make sure you read the following: the Module Notes, pages 123-139 of Chapter 5 (Links to an external site.) and pages 280-294 of Chapter 1 (Links to an external site.)1, as well as view War Fare (Links to an external site.)World War I Naval Battles (Links to an external site.) and World War I in Photos: The War at Sea. (Links to an external site.)  

Then, in an initial post of at least 250 words discuss the following:

  • Was Germany’s use of unrestricted submarine warfare unethical? Why or why not?
  • Explain whether or not you would have violated the Sussex Pledge if you were Kaiser Wilhelm and give specific reasons why or why not.
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