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Hazel case study- business operational management

In this Hazel case study paper the student should analyze on business operational management. Hazel case study- business operational management Description: Instructions Complete the Hazel Case on page 37-38. You are to complete all of the questions in paragraph form in 4 pages excluding cover and reference pages. Hazel had worked for the same Fortune 500 Company for almost 15 years. Although the company had gone through some tough times, things were starting to turn around. Customer orders were up, and quality and productivity had improved dramatically from what they had been only a few years earlier due to a companywide quality improvement program. So it came as a real shock to Hazel and about 400 of her coworkers when they were suddenly terminated following the new CEO’s decision to downsize the company. Questions Hazel is the operations manager of her business. Among her responsibilities are forecasting, inventory management, scheduling, quality assurance, and maintenance. Firstly, what kinds of things would likely require forecasts? Secondly, what inventory items does Hazel probably have? Name one inventory decision she has to make periodically. Hazel case study- business operational management Thirdly,what scheduling must she do? What things might occur to disrupt schedules and cause Hazel to reschedule? Fourthly, how important is quality assurance to Hazel’s business? Explain. Finally,what kinds of maintenance must be performed? Firstly, In what ways are Hazel’s customers most likely to judge the quality of her lawn care services? Secondly, What are some of the trade-offs that Hazel probably consider relative to: Thirdly, working for a company instead of for herself? Fourthly, Expanding the business? Finally,  Launching a Web site? Notes: Notes: Plagiarism will earn a grade of zero. 
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