Home  > How sex, gender, and/or sexualities is/are portrayed in the United States- An article in a popular/mainstream magazine or newspaper

How sex, gender, and/or sexualities is/are portrayed in the United States- An article in a popular/mainstream magazine or newspaper

Link one or more media items that you can directly associate with how sex, gender, and/or sexualities is/are portrayed in the United States from sources such as the following:
An article in a popular/mainstream magazine or newspaper
A clip from a news program
A clip from a popular television show or movie
A popular YouTube video
A popular “meme” on social media
And write a post in which you consider the following:
Where did you find this image? Do not just use one from a search result. Look at which website it is actually located. Who has access to these images?
What is (or appears to be) the intended audience or consumer for this media?
What is represented/portrayed on the image?
Show the image to, at least, 5 other people. What are their reactions? Are there similarities?

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