Home  > Impact of Gang members and Gang Activity to Military- What criminal activities do they engage in while in the military?

Impact of Gang members and Gang Activity to Military- What criminal activities do they engage in while in the military?

This activity gives you an opportunity to examine the impact that gang members and gang activity have on the military.  Before responding, Check out this (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. presentation (it's 1/7, the other six are down the right side). You might also want to listen toPlay media comment..  This too (Links to an external site.) is pretty interesting.

This (Links to an external site.) might be helpful as well. As might this on extremism


Respond to the following:

  • Why do you think gang members are able to operate within a structured and disciplined organization such as the military? What criminal activities do they engage in while in the military and how do they get away with it?
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