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Inclusive Teaching and Learning Environments Discussion

Individuals working in education and training must have a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities and relationships within their education and training environment. Your role is an incredibly varied one and requires you to be able to call upon different values and skills in order to meet the different challenges that you will encounter. To demonstrate your understanding of this unit, we are asking you to create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the roles and responsibilities of a teaching practitioner within your institution. Imagine that this PowerPoint presentation will be made available to all new staff joining your team. Your presentation must: • • • Explain the varied roles that teachers carry out and their associated responsibilities, making reference to the training cycle. Explain why it is important to create a safe and supportive learning environment. Describe ways in which you can adapt your teaching to different learners’ needs, giving an example of how you might do this. The Assessment Criteria for this assignment are as follows: 1.1 explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training 1.2 explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs. 2.1 describe ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment. If your presentation fulfills all these criteria it will Pass. If you do not successfully fulfill any of these criteria we will provide you with feedback to improve and ask you to resubmit. orking in education and training, you must have a clear awareness of the different teaching strategies you might use to promote learning. Your students all face different obstacles and you will be required to adopt an approach to teaching and learning that will give all your learners the opportunity to succeed. Attached to this assignment is a document called ‘Unit 2 Spoof Scheme of Work’. This is an example of the kind of scheme of work that a teacher might create to plan their teaching. We are asking you to read the scheme of work and provide a written report reviewing it. Your report must answer the following four questions: 1. What is inclusive teaching and learning? Does this scheme of work suggest that sessions are inclusive? Within your answer, ensure that you state why inclusive teaching and learning environments are important. 2. Ground rules are an important part of any lesson but are not included within this scheme of work. Summarize two ways that you can establish ground rules with learners. 3. The teacher uses a range of methods to get her students learning. Compare the strengths and limitations of three or more teaching and learning approaches used within YOUR SETTING. Explain why it is essential to select teaching, learning and assessment methods that meet the needs of the learners. 4. Review the scheme of work. Are the teaching, learning and assessment strategies planned likely to keep the learners engaged and motivated in these sessions? Is there anything that you would do differently, to ensure that they were engaged and motivated? The assessment criteria for this assignment are as follows: 1.1 describe features of inclusive teaching and learning 1.2 compare the strengths and limitations of teaching and learning approaches used in relation to meeting individual learner needs 2.1 explain why it is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment 2.2 explain why it is important to select teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods to meet individual learner needs 2.3 explain ways to engage and motivate learners 2.4 summarize ways to establish ground rules with learners If your report fulfills all these criteria it will Pass. If you do not successfully fulfill any of these criteria we will provide you with feedback to improve and ask you to resubmit . Assessing is a fundamental part of the learning process. It is important that you know and understand exactly what assessment is and the different assessment strategies available to you. Likewise, providing constructive feedback to the learners is an important part of the assessment process. You are being asked to produce two assignments to demonstrate your understanding of the subject of assessment and pass this unit. For your first task, we are asking you to produce a PowerPoint presentation on the uses of assessment within education and training that could be delivered to your team. Your presentation needs to cover the following topics: 1. A brief explanation of the key features for initial, formative and summative assessment 2. Brief explanation as to why the learners and others should be involved in the assessment process 3. Describe six assessment methods (what are they and when/how could they be used), comparing the strengths and limitations of each 4. Discuss how two of the assessment methods could be adapted to meet the individual needs of the learners 5. Explain both self and peer assessment, stating how each could be used 6. Confirm what information should be made available to the learners and others in the assessment process 7. State why there is a need to keep records of assessment and summarise these requirements The Assessment Criteria for this assignment are as follows: 1.1 explain the purposes of types of assessment used in education and training 1.2 describe characteristics of different methods of assessment in education and training 1.3 compare the strengths and limitations of different assessment methods in relation to meeting individual learner needs 1.4 explain how different assessment methods can be adapted to meet individual learner needs. 2.1 explain why it is important to involve learners and others in the assessment process 2.2 explain the role and use of peer and self-assessment in the assessment process 2.3 identify sources of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process. 4.1 explain the need to keep records of assessment of learning 4.2 summarise the requirements for keeping records of assessment in an organisation. If your presentation fulfills all these criteria it will Pass. If you do not successfully fulfill any of these criteria we will provide you with feedback to improve and ask you to resubmit. Attached to this assignment you will find a document titled ‘Description and Comparison of Assessment Methods’. This document contains a partially completed table that examines the strengths and weaknesses of different assessment methods. Using your own experience of these assessment methods and by researching them online, please complete this table. 1. Assessing is a fundamental part of the learning process. It is important that you know and understand exactly what assessment is and the different assessment strategies available to you. Likewise, providing constructive feedback to the learners is an important part of the assessment process. You are being asked to produce two assignments to demonstrate your understanding of the subject of assessment and pass this unit. For your second task, we are asking you to produce a small leaflet or poster in an attempt to improve the team’s understanding as to what constructive feedback is and how to give it. Within the leaflet you should Your leaflet/poster needs to cover the following topics: 1. Describe the key features of constructive feedback and explain how it contributes to an effective assessment process 2. Explain ways to provide constructive feedback to the learners ensuring that you give relevant examples The Assessment Criteria for this assignment are as follows: 3.1 describe key features of constructive feedback 3.2 explain how constructive feedback contributes to the assessment process 3.3 explain ways to give constructive feedback to learners If your presentation fulfills all these criteria it will Pass. If you do not successfully fulfill any of these criteria we will provide you with feedback to improve and ask you to resubmit. 

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