Home  > Langston Hughes “Salvation”- Hughes' subsequent loss of faith

Langston Hughes “Salvation”- Hughes' subsequent loss of faith

Chosen work of literature is Langston Hughes “Salvation”

Step 1: For this phase of the essay project you must return to the introduction that you have already written which is here:
“Langston Hughes, "Salvation" describes the quest for faith by a boy and his subsequent rejection of it after this attempt fails. The narrator tells of the high expectations that accompany religion in the essay and the crushing disappointment of failure to achieve those lofty objectives. Hughes narrative’s main juncture describes how his experience of being "saved" just leaves him disappointed in himself and sets him far away from its true meaning. He ends up believing that Jesus does not exist. The dialogue and the specifics recrete the tale of the case in the audience's thoughts. He makes his point that embracing God in to his life and religion was more due to social pressure than his personal belief.”

Introduction should be at the beginning of essay.

Step 2: Now you must develop your thesis in the body of your essay. This means that you must show how your central idea is supported by reference to the text of the story. Be sure to include at least two quotes from the work of literature and use correct intext citation (author’s last name and title of work with page number, if there is one).

Step 3: Write a good conclusion that reiterates (not repeats) your thesis and sums up your main points.
The thesis is about Hughes' subsequent loss of faith following the incident in his childhood church. The theme of the thesis is loss of faith. Being clear about this will make your work a lot easier.

Please read these links to put with thesis


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