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Legal Department and HR and Outside Sales Department.

The following assignment is about Legal Department and HR and Outside Sales Department.  The departments feel that their data is sensitive enough that their data should be separated from the other departments. Legal Department and HR: Outside Sales Department Description Uh-oh, the Legal department and the HR department are demanding their own network. The departments feel that their data is sensitive enough that their data should be separated from the other departments. In addition, the Outside Sales department has gotten brand new Apple iPads for all of their users. So there needs to be a Wireless network setup so they can go online. So, you need to build out a change order for the network to account for these two curveball requests. Legal Department and HR: Your submission should be in a Word document and should cover the following (not a complete list) How will you separate the networks, physically or virtually? What type of WiFi network will you setup? Besides, what hardware will you use? What encryption method will you use? Will you limit the WiFi signal via physical means? What additional hardware is needed? Software? Etc? Remember to justify your choices. Outside Sales department has gotten brand new Apple iPads for all of their users. Legal Department and HR: Please ensure that you do a thorough research as you do the assignment to have the best chances of getting a top grade in the work. You should take advantage of the materials that have been recommended and use them to seek the content you need for your paper. Also ensure total academic integrity.  Furthermore, ensure you write content that relates well with the given topic.Research will help to give correct info.  read more on Legal Department and HR: Outside Sales Department here 
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