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MBA 401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership- Performance-related initiatives

PART B (individual) By thoroughly reviewing the company’s website and by sourcing additional insights via credible business publications, journal articles and Annual Reports, address the following:

1. Identify how your selected company is seeking to improve the performance of its workforce. Use at least two (2) performance-related initiatives to discuss the ways in which the company could measure the success of their initiatives.

2. Identify the key components of the company’s corporate culture. Use at least two (2) culturerelated initiatives to discuss how the company is trying to improve its culture and the most appropriate measures for determining the success of the initiatives.

Assessment Instructions

• You must use the same company in both Part A and Part B.

• Using a standard report format, include the following components: o Introduction (150 words) o Performance-related initiatives (600 words) o Culture-related initiatives (600 words)

o Conclusion (150 words) o Reference List (using the Harvard Referencing Convention throughout your report and reference list at the end) • Refer to at least two (2) theories to support your discussion of the performance-related initiativesand at least two (2) theories to support your discussion of the culture-related initiatives.

• Include a minimum of four (4) references (such as Morningstar, IBISWorld, credible business publications and journal articles). While many of your references will rely on the company’s website, you cannot use this as youronly source of information.

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