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MBA 718 Strategic Leadership

MBA 718 Strategic Leadership. The write should research about apply strategic leadership styles and write his work according to instructions. MBA 718 Strategic Leadership-apply strategic leadership styles 1MBA 718–Strategic Leadership and Practise Essay 1–Brief Learning Objective: be able to critically apply a range of strategic leadership styles and frameworks in an organisation. TASK Establishing and Applying a Leadership Style to an Organization and the Actions to Take As it has present during the last four weeks, there are several strategic leadership styles that leaders can follow. Moreover, this has an impact on the strategic management process. Butit also depends on the actions that the top management team takes to ensure effective leadership within a business. Having this in mind, require you to prepare an essay regarding strategic leadership. More specifically, you are to consider yourself as a NEW senior manager in an organisation. Operating in your hometown, having 57 employees under your leadership. You are required to suggest the type of leadership you should use as a new senior manager in the company in order to effectively lead your employees and extract from them 100% of their productivity. Please critically explain why you would use the chosen leadership style and what are the actions that you would take.
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