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Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder


Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is characterized by an excessive obsession with one's self-worth, power, status, and vanity. Because of this obsession, they cannot see the catastrophic harm they cause to themselves and others. A person with a narcissistic personality is essentially only interested in themselves. In contrast to mental illnesses, no one knows what causes NPD or how long it will last [CITATION C21 l 1033]. Most doctors and psychologists believe that a traumatic event that occurred during a person's formative years is the cause of NPD. Although there is no known cause of NPD, it is easy for doctors and psychologists to find people with the condition. Narcissists are prone to intense feelings of jealousy and are extremely sensitive, making it difficult to maintain healthy relationships[ CITATIONFox20 l 1033 ]. In addition, they are extremely obsessed with themselves. Additionally, narcissists are manipulative, lack empathy for other people, are prone to injury, and negatively respond to criticism. As a result, a person with NPD can easily experience feelings of rejection from others.


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