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New titleDensities of Jupiter and Saturn’s Moons Density=Mass/Volume

Densities of Jupiter and Saturn’s Moons

Equations of use:
Percent Rock (%)= -(90-100*Density)/2.6

For this lab assignment, to determine the density and percentage of rock vs. ice that make up the largest moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

Hypothesis - A statement that can be proven by the work you will do. Example: Jupiter's Moons are all made of methane ice. (In your procedure you will create a lab that confirms or dismisses this statement.)
Introduction - Tell the reader about Jupiter, and its moons. Perhaps the history of discovery and missions sent to study the planet.
Objectives - What is it that you are going to do? ex: "I will use stellarium to find the density of each moon, by figuring its mass and volume."
Procedure - "Stellarium was launched from the desktop. Letters a,f,g were pressed to eliminate the ground, atmosphere and fog effects. Proceeding to press Ctrl-F to find Jupiter. Ctrl-G was pressed Ctrl-G to go to Jupiter"...etc.,
In the procedure, you will also collect all of your data, in tables, graphs or charts

Discussion - What does that data mean? In the first person, you narrate how the data collected in your procedure produced results. What were those results showing specifically? You are not answering the hypothesis, but merely reporting on the consequences of your data. (ex: Four of the moons show a density of X while four more show a density of Y. A density in this range indicates a heavy presence of water ice coupled with a thick layer of water.)

Conclusion - In this section, you make a final judgment based on your procedure and discussion. Was your hypothesis statement correct? WHY OR WHY NOT? (this MUST be based on the evidence and your discussion, and not on belief, or a newly introduced outside source).

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