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Nursing staff shortage

Nursing staff shortage is an issue in my organization, as I am sure it is in many organizations. Nursing burn out is very prevalent for the nurses. Nursing burn out causes nurse shortages and turnover, and nursing shortages cause turnover and burn out in nurses. Nurses need to learn how to recognize burn out and how to handle their emotions to promote healthy coping. Nurse managers and supervisors need to learn how to recognize nursing burn out to intervene. Organizations need to be supportive and recognize burn out and comprehend the emotional and physical ffects it has on nurses. “As health care professionals are daily at risk, the need to recognize, address, and treat burnout is a priority. Both personal resilience building activities for effective stress reduction in clinicians and system-level solutions to address root causes must be utilized to address burnout” (Kelly, 2020). 
 What is the main issue for your organization in addressing a solution to evidence-based nursing practice? Discuss what might be the first step in addressing and resolving this issue.


The Consequences of a Nursing Staff Shortage at the Patient's Level The global nursing staff shortage is becoming a significant obstacle for both facility planners and patients in desperate need of assistance. Planners are reevaluating work estimates due to the constant shifts in consumer needs that affect health care delivery. Due to the lack of paid leave, nurses are reluctant to maintain their professional development (Coventry et al., 2015). The difficulties of nursing practice have become even more difficult due to the complexity of the workplace. By 2035, the World Health Organization anticipates a global shortage of 12.6 million healthcare professionals (Buchan et al.,  2015). As a result, the nursing profession has continued to face shortages caused by high patient turnover, uneven employment distribution, and a lack of educators. A shortage of nurses has resulted from several worrying issues.


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