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Research study on HIV/AIDS related illness among Hispanic Women living in California

You are an intern at the CDC.  You have been asked to conceptualize an independent health services research study focused on HIV/AIDS-Related Illness among Hispanic Women living in California. 
Chose and describe an aim or purpose for your study and the research question/hypothesis. Propose a study methodology, including population and sampling, sample size determination, measurement, data sources, and data collection methods and analysis.  Explain your choices.


Regarding HIV, a global aggressive response has been successful in reducing HIV incidence and mortality. However, individual and community progress has not been uniform (CDC, 2013b). This is evident among Hispanic women who struggle with SDH. for example, a lower educational level, fewer opportunities for employment, marginalization, financial dependence on male partners, gender power inequalities, and substance use, despite the fact that they are disproportionately affected by HIV and have worse health outcomes than other HIV-positive individuals (Sharpe et al.,2012;WHO, 2015). Hispanic women who face inequitable SDH should be the primary focus of HIV prevention strategies. For instance, the cultural context in which Hispanic women live, which may influence their risk for HIV, is one important aspect that should be taken into consideration as part of the SDH. Hispanic women, for instance, typically lack access to HIV testing and care, and they have a harder time communicating and negotiating safer sex or condom use with their partners.


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