Home  > The effect metamorphism/alteration might have had on the geochemistry of the dykes.

The effect metamorphism/alteration might have had on the geochemistry of the dykes.

It is your job to construct a report based on the data you have available and present valid and defensible interpretations regarding the petrogenesis of the dyke swarm.


You should structure your writing as a report (i.e., with subheadings) and not as an essay. The use of figures and cited literature material is highly recommended. The report should be a maximum of 1200 words (not including references and figure captions). 


Your report should cover (but is not necessarily limited to):

      The effect metamorphism/alteration might have had on the geochemistry of the dykes.

      The classification of the dykes.

      The crystallisation history of the dykes.

      The mantle source region of the parent magma.

      The potential tectonic setting of the dykes. 

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