Home  > This assignment is about The Book “A Place to Stand” by Jimmy Santiago Baca.

This assignment is about The Book “A Place to Stand” by Jimmy Santiago Baca.

This assignment is about The Book “A Place to Stand” by Jimmy Santiago Baca. You are required to describe the significance of this address and the outcome of the scene The Book “A Place to Stand”: Jimmy Santiago Baca Description Read the Book “A Place to Stand ” by Jimmy Santiago Baca and answer the question in paragraph essay form… ***Chapters 4, 5, 6 1. Jimmy is in San Francisco and he’s carrying a slip of paper with an address written on it. Describe the significance of this address and the outcome of the scene? 2. Who is Tara and what does Jimmy steal from her? 3. What results from Jimmy warning Rick that there is a price on his head? ***Chapters 7, 8, 9 1. Describe one moment in Chapter 7 that stands out as significant to you and explain the logic of your choice.The Book “A Place to Stand. 2. “I was no longer a twenty-two-year-old illiterate brown man, not just another con with a number who was going to submit to degradation. Something had altered in me. I felt tremendous pride in having taken this one little step. I now knew I had wanted to take it for a long time” (168). Explain what leads up to Baca’s new feelings of pride. Describe the steps he too? 3. Explain what inspires Baca to practice reading and writing while he is in the dungeon? *** Chapters 10-Epilogue. The Book “A Place to Stand. 1.“How can you kill and still be a poet? How can you ever write another poem if you disrespect life in this manner? Do you know you will forever be changed by this act? It will haunt you to your dying breath.” Explain where Baca hears these words and why? 2. Describe 2 things that Chelo teaches Jimmy? 3. This question has no correct answer.Read more on The Book “A Place to Stand”: Jimmy Santiago Baca here. Click here to request for this assignment help
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