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This paper contains the Joan Williams Case Study.

This paper contains the Joan Williams Case Study. The student should choose one of the seven registered nurse standards for practice. Joan Williams case Study-Registered nurse standards for practice. Paper details: Setting the scene Joan Williams is an 88-year-old who, until two weeks ago was living alone in her flat in Echuca an area of regional Victoria. Joan had managed very well on her own with family support and by reducing her daily activities. She is now quite frail, very tired and with advanced scoliosis which affects her mobility and increases her falls risk. Joan did not want to go to a nursing home as she is afraid of making new friends who she knows she will lose. She also loves watching T.V until midnight and sleeps until midday. Joan has now been in the nursing home for 8 days in a single room. Part A (20%) 500 words.  Search and use a minimum of 10 quality peer reviewed references. Develop a one-page overview of Part B of your essay. Introduce the general topic of your essay in an interesting way.  Give background or context which gives relevance to your discussion points. Ensure you support your discussions with recent, relevant peer reviewed journal articles.  List subtopics/themes to indicate the order of discussion to follow (each theme mentioned in the introduction, is addressed in the same order in the body). A brief definition may belong in the introduction. Keep all information relatively general (no detailed evidence until Part B). List the 10 references in the body of Part A The 10 references that you have chosen for Part A are to be listed at the end of the discussion using the APA 6 Referencing style. Part B (45%) 1500 words (to be submitted once you have received and read the feedback from Part A).  Introduction (approximately 100 words). Define & discuss the concepts of person-centred care in contemporary Australian health settings (500 words).  Choose one of the legal and ethical concepts from the list below. o Autonomy o Beneficence o Non-maleficence o Justice.  Provide a short discussion of the definition of your chosen concept and provide one example, with references to support your ideas, of how the Registered Nurse can deliver ‘person centered care’ for Joan (500 words). Remember to use an academic paragraph structure. Using the evidence from the research you have found describe the application of one of the seven Standards of Practice, Registered Nurses’ deliver when caring for Joan Williams, as she adjusts to moving into a Nursing Home.(approx 500 words).  Conclusion (approximately 100 words). Select one of the following 7 Nursing Standards for Practice to discuss. The Registered nurse standards for practice consist of the following seven standards: Firstly,  thinks critically and analyses nursing practice. Secondly, engages in therapeutic and professional relationships. Thirdly, maintains the capability for practice. Fourthly, comprehensively conducts assessments. Then, develops a plan for nursing practice. Also,  provides safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice. Finally, evaluates outcomes to inform nursing practice. Detailed Instructions Download | Click here to request for this assignment help
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