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Why did the USA Constitution replace the Articles of Confederation?

Why did the USA Constitution replace the Articles of Confederation?  Please be as comprehensive and analytical as possible.  Cite sources beyond the textbook. (3-4 pages)


The United States Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation on November 15, 1777. The Articles of Confederation established America's first government. However, it only existed for a decade after its introduction. This government did not have a president or chief executive officer. Congress was given complete authority to settle the dispute between the 13 United States states because people feared the monarchy. However, it is essential to remember that this government lacked courts and the authority to carry out laws or decisions (Kelley, p. 23). As a result, the Articles of Confederation were deemed to be ineffective, necessitating the establishment of a new, viable form of government. This essay aims to talk about why the United States Constitution took the place of the Articles of Confederation. To begin, Kelley defines the Articles of Confederation as referring to the laws drafted by delegates at the 1777 second continental congress in Philadelphia (p. 34). Individuals used these articles for a short time, but they had many flaws that needed to be fixed. Notably, even though they weren't perfect, these articles gave each state its own law-making body. The fact that the government or congress did not have the authority to regulate trade at the time was one of the major flaws in the Articles of Confederation, which led to the adoption of a new constitution.


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