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World Religion Paper- Explain how this religion views health care

World Religion Paper
The purpose of this paper is to explore a major world religion and its views related to health care and death and dying practices.

First, select any one of the major world religions that you may encounter in your care giving. You are then expected to:
• Discuss the religion;
• Explain how this religion views health care, especially at end of life;
• Identify any rituals at the end of life (including time of death and after death) specific to this religion; and
• Consider how you could apply these religious preferences within your professional practice.
Paper should be 5 typed, double spaced pages with college level writing using APA formatting. A minimum of three (3) references are required and should be from journals, texts, scholarly web sites (i.e.; not Wikipedia). Title page and reference page are required but do not count for the 5 pages of content.
Assignment is to be completed in .doc or .docx format only and needs to be submitted through Blackboard by 11:59 pm on TUESDAY June 1, 2021
This assignment is worth 20 points (13.3% of final grade). Eighty (80) percent - 16 points - of the grade will be based on the CONTENT (quality of the content, inclusion of required elements). Twenty (20) percent- 4 points - will be based on FORMAT (the finished paper form and style, grammar, spelling). Please refer to the grading rubric for further specifics

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