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ZXY Company Case Analysis- Identification of risks associated with the investment.

This portfolio work project will allow you to review information and risks associated with an investment to expand an organization. As this information will be shared broadly across the organization, you will have a choice in your final deliverable audience and will organize your deliverable to meet the needs of that audience.


ZXY Company is a food product Company. ZXY is considering expanding to two new products and a second production facility. The food products are Staples with steady demands. The proposed expansion will require and investment of $7,000,000 for equipment with an assumed ten-year life, after which all equipment and other assets can be sold for an estimated $1,000,000. They will be renting the facility. ZXY requires a 12% return on investments. You have been asked to recommend whether or not to make the investment.

Your Role.

You are an accounting manager. Your boss has asked you to review and provide a recommendation on the expansion based on information that has been provided.


In preparing and supporting your recommendation to either make the investment or not, include the following items as part of your analysis:

  • Analysis of financial information
  • Identification of risks associated with the investment.


  • How risky the project appears.
  • How far off your estimates of revenues and expenses can be before your decision would change
  • The difference if the company were to use a straight line versus a MACRS depreciation.
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